In order to make my site a bit more interactive and to get some feedback from visitors, I encourage visitors to mark the photos they like best. Below, I've answered some of the questions you might have.

Why should I rate your photos?

The recommendations you and other visitors provide make it possible for me to create a gallery of "most popular" photographs. This allows new visitors to see my best work more easily. It also provides me with value input which helps me to become a better photographer.

How should I rate your photos?

Please take into consideration the following criteria when rating each photograph. Feel free to consider your own ideas of what makes a good photo as well.


Is the photo interesting to look at? Does the photo feel balanced?


Is the photo cropped in a way that maximizes its effectiveness?


Is the subject in focus? Does the background distract from or enhance the foreground?

Which photos should I rate?

Mark any photo that you think is interesting or that you really like! Please don't hesitate to give a negative rating to photos you don't particularly like...all feedback is helpful.

How many times can I rate each photo?

You can change your recommendation on any photo as many times as you won't "stuff the ballot".

Why isn't it working for me?

You must accept cookies for the recommendations to work. The cookie does not contain any sensitive material, it simply keeps track of which photos you've looked at and how you rated each one. After 48 hours, the cookie expires and you are treated as a new visitor.

